Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hidronica in Valsesia Rocks!

Valsesia River looking south (we rafted further south down the river).
After pictures of doors, I also like snapping pictures of bridges.

Max found a place called Hidronica and they were awesome! They were easy to find, great service and the trip didnt cost nearly as much as it does in the states. Oliver and Cris are Milanista and so they 'dumped' us with a guide who is also a fan of the same team, Ricki. He was funny and cracked jokes which was great.

The rapids they took us on are only a class III, but since you have technical wear and it needs to get wet to work and they want to see how you react to water, they make you do a jump off a cliff at the start. (Good thing they dont make you do that in CA or Mom would have never started us rafting if she had to get her hair wet!!!!)

and let me just say, the water was COLD!
it was more frigid than kate from jon and kate make 8!!!
clockwise from the guide: Ricki, me, Max, Oliver, Cris, Lolo and Stefano (from another group).
funny little sign inside the cabin.
boys debriefing after the adventure

1 comment:

Holly said...

Looks fabulous!!!