Wednesday, May 27, 2009


After we went swimming, we packed up and took Sophia to the Nonni to spend some quality time, before we take off to the States next week. I snapped some pictures just because there are so many nice things to take pictures of.

Synagogue door.
A little vietta, off the main street
Even the mail boxes are cute
(too bad you can't see the guy's name on the little yellow ticket. It reads: Botto.M.
I am so 1st grade, I giggled when I read it. Yes, booty humor still makes me laugh!)(Again, another 1st grade thing:)
When I saw this place the first time I went to Cuneo I was like...for reals? what an awesome place to film a horror movie. And what a great title for it, too! I asked Max, if when he was little, did all the kids pull one arm into their sleeve and wave it around while telling scary stories about a hooked arm escapee that kills virgins and couples making out? Apparently the kids of Cuneo are more mature than I am-for the answer was no. But...that's not to say that I don't do that every time we pass the place! I always wish TJ was here - she'd be with me on this one!
ps in case you are wondering, it's a hospital for injured people (like after the war), not for crazy mutilated ones! I know, huh?!- darn!
This is a cool old Roman bridge that we pass on the way to and from Cuneo. I don't know why I am so enamored with it, but I am!
Just the towers remain, the bridge part has eroded away


munchkinhead2000 said...

You forgot the part about the crazy / evil laughter!!!! I'd TOTALLY be with you on that! Let's write a children's book...muahahahahaha.

Louise said...

see, i knew youd be there! muahahahahahahahaha!

Holly said...

Finally catching up on my blogs! Your pictures look fabulous! I cannot believe you are leaving next week already!!!

I'm so glad the party worked out so well! Can't wait to play in Calif with you xoxo