Wednesday, May 20, 2009

She's 4!

She has been talking about this day forever, we have been singing Happy Birthday and having pretend birthday parties. She cried when it was her dad's bday, because it wasnt hers. Last week she insisted that it wasnt my birthday, but hers we had to celebrate...and of course today, Sophia could care less that it's finally the real day! Stinker. We decided to have a family get together today, and the big bash (as you can see on the invite) is on Saturday. The weather is finally hot and there are no longer any construction workers on the balconey, so we went out and got a patio set and a bbq and had the party on the balconey. It's getting so hot, that it looks like we will be out there permanently until we leave for the States.
Max deflowers his virgin bbq!
Our little carnivor

Blowin out the bday candle (yeah i know there, is only one , but its a big one!)

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