Saturday, May 9, 2009


For years I have wanted to go rafting in Italy, but no one ever wanted to go. Last summer I told Max that for my bday, I didnt want a present, but wanted to go rafting in Italy or Switzerland. As May grew closer, my hints got bigger and he found a place in Piemonte, arranged for Sophia to stay with the Nonni, booked a nice hotel and got a little group together for a trip down the white water. Today we took Sophia to towards the Nonni to Alba, a town thats only 2 hours away from Milan and 1 away from Cuneo- and therefore our meeting destination. It was a bit hard this time because she cried and said 'I wanna come with youuuuuuuuu!' It was easier when she was smaller and didnt realize what was happening (even if we explained it to her), but now she gets it and this time she really missed us, she actually couldnt wait to come home.

After the nonni and soph left, we wandered around for a bit and I snapped a few pics because the town is so cute.

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