Saturday, May 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Emanuele

Today was Emanuele's first birthday. The party was held in the park just below the apt complex. It's a nice clean, gated park with tables - no dog poop and lots of things to play on! Max has been gone since thursday, so we had to take the Metro there - which was a good thing because Sophia keeps asking to go on a train. I've been using it as a 'prize'/'inspiration' to do things-eat, clean up, etc. Of course as soon as we had gone about 5 stops, she was. So, when we got there , she was already kind of in a grumpy mood since we didnt get off the train when she wanted. All she wanted to do was go on the swing, but i really wanted to help Priyanthi (the mommy) set up. I figured out later that she didnt really know anyone except Maria Amali (the sister) and I think going on the swing was her way of being shy - and not having to play with people she didnt know. Priyanthi and Paolo (the dad) are really sweet people, with really sweet friends (and kids) and eventually they got Sophia to go and play. And of course she had such a good time, she didnt want to go home . Priyanthi and Paolo ended up inviting us over for dinner (party left overs - which were really good!) and the girl's played together some more . Tanti Auguri Emanuele!
(his sister is sitting in front of the cake, he is above her - otherwise he would be the little guy IN the cake) (the two older little girls on the right used to go to the pre-school where we worked years ago, the one in the pink was just 2 when I met her, look how grown up the girl's are now!)
Emanuele opening presents.
Sophia playing ball with Maria Amali
(i couldnt get a decent picture of them together, they kept moving all around!)
The girls were so grimey after rolling around in the park, so into the bath they went! You know I dont really like pictures using flash, it flattens them out and makes every thing seem so flat, but this one is kind of cool because it has all the water droplets).
Here is another one (with flash again, but no cool water droplets)
of the two little monkeys havin a good ol' time in the bath!
Long day! Time for bed!!

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