Friday, May 30, 2008

Last Day of School

Today was Sophia's last day at the Asilo di Via Boccaccio. She had lots of fun and made lots of good friends. I don't think she really realized what was going on, although all the teachers (from this year and last year) we all sad and nostalgic.Filamena, Sophia and Chiara
Sophia Parisi, Sophia Mandato and Nicolò
(At school there are a lot of girls called Sofia/Sophia so they all call each other by last name.)
Marica a teacher from last year.

Running out of school. The poster in back is from an educational campaign from the city. They took pics of kids from all the preschools and put some of them onto the poster. Sophia's is on there....somewhere....there are so many of them and just headshots, it actually looks like some kind of sad orphanage poster.

After school, we ran home, dropped of all her stuff, walked down to the metro and over to pietro's house. i forgot to take pictures, it was just one of those days. paolo brought us back home and sophia opened her present that the asilo gave her (and will give all the other kids in july). staying with the theme this year, animals, she received an elephant hat! prrrrrprrrrrprrrp (that's supposed to be an elephant noise).

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