Wednesday, May 7, 2008

For a Catholic Country, They Sure Aren't Prudes

OSHA would have a field day with this:

Look carefully at the 2 men on the roof - they are in their skivvies! Dicky-dos are never a pretty sight (fyi dickydo is when yo stomach hang out farther than your dicky do) . And...I know its hot, but isn't that dangerous? You cant really make it out in the picture, but i guess it was the first time they stripped, cuz they were all pink and sun burned, at first glance, i thought they had some weird pink unitards on or something- then i realized they were in their tighty-whities (or tighty red-ies and tighty dark blue-ies as the case may be). Well, thinking upon it - tighties are probably better to keep the boys in - its probably much more dangerous to have the family jewels hanging out and either get snagged on something (they werent that young of men - gravity takes its toll on those guys too. im sure those things were dangling like the chimes on a grandfather clock!) or worse -what if while hammering, they hit something other than the nail on the head. Oh the crazy things you see in Italy. ps sorry the foto is crap, but I took it while riding on the back of a moving scooter.


Anonymous said...

Ahahahahh!!!! They're unbelievable!!! How did you manage to take the picture?
I always read your posts and laugh a lot! And it's also good to practice my english!

Holly said...

gotta love those Unions.....

munchkinhead2000 said... it!