Friday, May 2, 2008

La Vendetta dello Scaduto

The Albanian is working the Oompa-Loompa circuit down near Rome. Pia and I walked with him to the metro station, well sort of...we got halfway thru the park and then somebody wanted to pick the biggest biggest flower. Stupidly, I did not toss down an Allegra before exiting and so spent the majority of the time trying to convince her that it would be a lot more fun playing in the on the jungle gym...alla italiano of course, it was blocked off with some metal gates and tape (as it has been for months, thought that they would have fixed it by now). she was peeved so, we ended up playing in the fountain instead.
It's a favorite pass time of italian kids after they are bored with the slide and swing. This one is kind of cesspool lookin, the graffiti doesnt help, but the water is clean and filtered and you can even drink it.
If you dont have a water bottle to fill, there is a clever little way to have a sip without having to bend down and get all wet. There is a hole on the top of the faucet, so you plug the bottom part with one finger and the water shoots out the careful if you see a bunch of teenagers gathered around one of these, they like to squirt passers by.
I told Sophia that tomorrow we are going on the train to Pietro's in Mondonico, but only if she went to bed and stayed in it...and she did. she took my word so seriously, that apparently despite the revenge of the yogurt, she didnt make a peep or get out of bed. I walked in and there was a major chemical bomb that slapped me in the had to happen sooner or later...and of course i had to clean up the aftermath of the biological warfare that took place in her stomach. i know it could have all been avoided, if only i had read the expires on date!

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