Monday, October 18, 2010

To weed or not to weed

 My parents weeded the common area in front of our house when they were here and I've been keeping it clean ever since.  But I REFUSED clean up the other side near the garbage because since we've been here, I've seen  mice, stepped in dog poo, on glass and other stuff I just don't want to even think about. The dog poo problem is becoming a real nuisance.  The lady who's dog poos everywhere, just makes up excuses and is in total denial about the problem (yeah, I know what you are thinking, but remember this is Italy, in order to get anyone to do anything about a problem, it takes 100 years, lots of standing in line, loads of red tape and at least 7 people must die because of the problem).  Today I weeded the common area in front of our yard, but since I had to keep going to the garbage and live in fear of seeing mice, stepping on poo or on glass or who knows what...

...I broke down and weeded.  The top picture was actually take a year ago and it's gotten worse ever since.  Max was a trooper, when he went and cleaned up the abandoned garbage cans and all the garbage that was lying around the courtyard.  And of course our nosy neighbor with the poopy dog came out and chit chatted, not helped just chit chatted.  She even had the nerve to make a comment on how I had better not kill her rosemary bush-I had to use all my strength and control not to whack her in the head with the cutters I had in my hand, but I did imagine the scene in my head.

side note: since it's not my job to clean up that mess, I doubt anyone else is going to do it again, but I don't want to do it again in the future  and I most certainly don't want to spend any money to do it again, I was thinking I'd just throw down some salt and see what happens.  Instead I googled homemade herbicide. Cross your fingers and let's hope this works...I ended up using a solution of 1 c vinegar, 1/4 c salt and 1/4 c soap. Will let you know what happens.

side note morning after: darn no miracles, esp on the nasty crab grass.  Some of the weeds looks like left over salad that had been tossed with vinagrette (which it basically was), but no miracle brown patches everywhere...darn.  Will pass with more salty soapy water again today, as i have no more vinegar.

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