Friday, October 29, 2010

Carvin of the PumpkinThi

This year Sophia is big enough to participate a little more in pumpkin carving.  I had her draw what she wanted  to carve onto a paper and then we taped it to the pumpkin and used my hem ripper to poke holes (i lost the poker that came with the carving kit).

Frankenstein removes the brains.


Okay the reality of the whole situation is that-Sophia really did draw the pumpkin and poked the holes.  But it was really hard for her to cut, so she gave up after a few seconds.  The stem was hard to pull out, so I yanked and yanked and yanked and then she held it, posed and I snapped the picture.  And finally she didn't want to get dirty/touch the slimey stuff, so I ended up doing that too-finding out the hard way, that I must be allergic to the junk inside because my hands were burning and I had a red rash up my arm-yeah!  So yes, carving a pumpkin is more for me, than for her. She'll remember the experience of having carved the pumpkin and that's what's important- (happy Mom???? Following in your footsteps, I am forcing my kids to have fun and have experiences!!)

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