Saturday, October 16, 2010


We to Cuneo today to see the Nonni and Max's brother and his wife.  It was the first time that all the family got together since Christmas and the first chance that we get to see Paola's baby bump.  For some reason we always happen to goon the weekend of the Festa delle Castagne (the Festival of Chestnuts).  For one reason or another (i.e. crowds, tantrums and the like), we never end up getting anything :o(  Anyhoo, what does that have to do with the picture above?  There are several things that go on during this time and one was a learning farm tent (there was also a tent with handmade things and food, but we missed that too :o(  This giant tent where the had different types of animals.  Unless you grow up on a farm here, kids don't really have any exposure to these types of animals, so kids here go nuts! They did a really nice, job, but I didn't take very great pics, there were mules, a mommy pig and her piglets, various chickens, a fish pond, a garden, a lecturer with a working beehive.   ps Why the heck are they so to the cow but. That's too risky!
The radio station that got Max started on the radio was broadcasting from the festival.  We bumped into Luisella, the owner and she got Max to give an impromptu interview.

Too bad Viv is covering up Paola's baby bump.  I am super excited for them.  I am also hoping (as my friend Karen says) the new cousin will steal some of Sophia and Viv's thunder.  Paola and Ale got a little taste of the Nonna and crazy ways.  I've got to stay on my toes.  The main thing is that she insists on giving babies people food.  This time Viv nearly choked on water from a glass (when her bottle was just a few feet away), bread and chicken-if there was more I didn't catch it. Last time we had to keep scream babies don't need to drink Fanta!  Please don't dangle Vivienne over the balconey (ala Michael Jackson).  I know she's old and so I try to take it all with a grain of salt (and a shot of tequila).

Uncle Ale compares the Parisi hair style with Viv.

One minute she was awake and then the next thing I knew she passed out.  Sophia and I are doing an impromptu homage to Viv.

We went to Bonfante (that's one of the Bonfante sisters) for a briosche and to pick up some pasticcini (small tarts, pastry puffs, cookies, canolli etc) for dessert.
Looking down Contrada Mondovi.

Two Italian hams (does that make them prociutto?)

1 comment:

Holly said...

love it - i want more!!