Thursday, February 18, 2010


After shoveling food into our faces, we were eventually moved to another room down the hall. This one had 2 other women and their babies and one teeny-tiny bathroom with a squeeky door, but at least it was a more permanent place with somewhere to stick our stuff, and without the fear that any moment someone would come and kick us out and shove us in the hallway again.
And the best part of it all was we could have visitors in this room!
Me, Grandma, Sophia and Vivienne.
Grandma and Sophia enjoy the baby.

Sophia really loves to entertain Vivienne, she sang and played
and did little shows for her the whole time.

And of course Sophia is the family photographer, she took loads and loads of fotos.
On the menu tonight...brodo, a watery overcooked pasta soup. yum (not)!

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