Friday, February 12, 2010

F'n Italian Bureacracy

When the due date nears, they start baby monitoring here-it's basically being hooked up to a machine and the baby's heart rate and possible contractions are recorded-and it needs to be a good read for 20 minutes. Our due date is Saturday, we started going today. At our last Gyn visit we were given a pre-prescription to start the monitoring.

Then we had to take that to our HMO who gave us a prescription, which we then took to the hospital admittance, fought the old ladies at the number machine and waited in the priority line (which took forever), paid and then walked over to the monitoring area's closed door. After a while somebody came out and Max went up to give her our paperwork. She said she was full and would come get us. Since there were no chairs immediately in front of the door, we sat in the chairs about 10 feet away and waited, and then waited and waited. I got my first 100 percent on Rock Band. After about an hour and a half and two trips to the bathroom, we finally knocked on the door and the nurse said she came out and looked for us (she must have very bad peripheral vision!!!!!) and didn't see us. Eventually I got admitted, the monitoring was quick, thank god because she was sort of bitchy. An appointment was made for this monday, but since I no longer had a pre-prescription or a prescription Max asked if the last pre-prescription or prescription counted for the next monitorings. Of course they don't, so I had to go to Dr Dickhead (you know the one that wouldn't give me antibiotics, that eventually led to pneumonia) and beg for another prescription. He didn't really want to give it to me because I had already used my pre-prescription and wanted to make me go back to my gyn and make him do the prescription. He was just being a dick, because after ripping me a new one (and the thing is, he acted like the first time this has happened, which it can't be because it's standard procedure) he wrote the damn prescription anyways. Could he not have saved us both the bellyaching and JUST written the prescription without being a dick first? Apparently not. BTW on top of everything else, my mom, despite there being millions of scrap pieces of paper around the house, decided to use the back of the pre-prescription for a note:

it's actually funny, except that the first word everyone sees is police so on top of everything I ended up having to explain to everyone what the note said. Of course not knowing my mom, I don't think Dr Dickhead got the humor and just thinks we are a family of ball busting freaks (ha he should look in the mirror!)

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