Sunday, February 7, 2010

Parco Increa (Quarry Lakes in Brugherio)

After lunch, we went for a walk around Parco Increa. We finished lunch a bit late, so we left a bit late too.
Sophia hasn't been out on the bike in a while.
(notice it's still bright outside).
Sophia decided she wanted to play in the park, so Grandma and I kept walking.
(only 2 minutes passed since we left Sophia and Max).
hmm getting darker, I guess we'd better walk faster. (we're only a 1/4 of the way around).
This is an old farmhouse on about 1/2 way around the lake and as you can see it's getting even darker.

no more pics because about 2/3s of the way around the lake, it started to smell VERY badly of cow poop and my Mom started to gag, so we had to turn back and haul ass to get back to the rest of the others. You know I had the fear of going into labor right then and there, but whew...we made it back!

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