Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Recital

Today was the big day! The school put on an unbelieveable production! There are three classes with at least 25 kids in each-all the kids were costumed, there wasnt a lot of scenery, but there were a heck of a lot of props! The story was about the sun and the night that marked the time for man.
Water fairies were always ready to sing and dance and the lake where they lived gave joy and life to everything.
During the summer, the children swam in its crystal waters.
and the animals came to drink at the lakes edge
and the tranquilty of life continued like this, until...

An eclipse darkened the sun, then the earth started to shake and out of it emerged the Crastacuscut (i dont even know how to pronounce it, let alone know what it means). And it put a spell on the fairies and their lake and
lava began to flow out of the crack where the Crastuscut had come out.
(the kids are a volcano and they threw up some red fabric as lava, but i was too far and didnt capture it well)
From the darkeness of the eclipse and now arid earth-fear and sadness over came life on the earth-especially for the children.

but one night, the courageous children, go to the forest to where the earth fairies live and ask for help and the children find the crastacuscut and defeat it.
the flame fairies seal the terrible monster back into a grotto under the volcano and life begins again
The inhabitants of the lake have a gigantic party in honor of the courageous children
and the children and the animals bring gifts.
The end!

Quite a production, huh?! During the year, the kids planted seeds and watered them til they grew into plants-which were used in the play and then sold after the show. One of the Dad's is a musician, he wrote and sang many of the songs-he recorded the kids narrating the story and edited everything to be coordinated with the play. After the play there was a mini graduation for the older kids that leave this year. Then a group picture and then we were all invited to eat the picnic lunches we packed. There were games and music and dancing balloon animals. The teachers are very good about incorporating the parents and using their talents! The musician dad sang and others played music and the kids played and had fun.
no italian party is complete, without the tarantella!

And then we got home and I took a big nap!

so here is a side note: did you notice that Sophia has a hat on in that last was that so difficult?? I know making those damn hats was! Plus if you notice-I made 20 hats, only about 10 were used (which is fine, because they can be used again for playing and i'm sure that when they asked they didnt know exactly who was doing which role. that wasnt what i was irked at). I did get a special thanks after the play, and they didnt make me pay for the plants...altho I would have. In the end, what was wrong was righted and I left happy and content.

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