Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hand prints

We're gettin in all the playdates we can! Today we went on bikes to pick up the girls from school. We finished the handprints we made the other day. After that the kids went to Valentinas house for an hour and Max and I and our friend Silvia(an architect), went to take a second look at a house we saw a week or 2 ago. Karol and Christian (Vale's parents) were really nice to take her for an hour on shuch short notice. I didnt want Sophia to come with us for 2 reasons: 1) i wanted to hear what Silvia's input was and it's hard to do and take care of Sophia at the same time and 2) the house has tenants in it-a lady with 4 kids and it is DISGUSTING- last time- we could tell the small garden was once nice, but had over grown plants, a dead tree and broken toys. This time it was cleaned up a bit, i think the landlord told off the tentant. Also there was crap, just about everywhere! the kitchen table was filled with open food and unwashed dishes, there was a piano buried in unopened mail, there were dirty cushins on the floor to watch the tv the bathrooms were disgusting-i dont think the shower or bathtub had ever been cleaned! This time the dishes were put away, so the kitchen smelled a little less, the piano was dug out and but the rest was still the same. I dont think that the sheets on anything had ever been changed-when we went upstairs to where the kids slept (and they all sleep in one room) the musty smell was so disgusting -i gagged! The thing that always bugs me about going there is that-the family lives like dirty paupers-one youngest kid sleeps in one of those foldable camping beds/cradles-but they have a Wii, with a couple of different joysticks and at least 20 games. Priorities are a bit out of wack there. But the tenants are a superficial thing-nothing that cant be cleaned or replaced-what we were more interested in this time were problems with the house-foundation, stucco, floors, stairs etc. Now we are mulling things over. The same day we saw this house, we saw another one down the street- in much better condition which didnt require a second look-but of course that one cost more. We'll see how it goes.

side story: remember those hats that I made for the school play-I noticed that Sophia isnt on the list to be one of the animals. I asked her about it and she said she wasnt wearing a hat. Today I asked the teacher about it, but not in a direct way-the teacher said that Sophia has the role of one of the courageous children. I was kind of too pissed to say anything, so I left it like that for now.

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