Friday, June 5, 2009

the Fashion Show

this time Karol went to pick up the girls from school . I was going over to teach Karol how to make pizza, when I got there-the kids were are made up and had a fashion show ready to show me! They LOOOOVED doing this...props to Karol for her creativity! The posed and we snapped pictures.This was Sophia's favorite pose-I wonder what fashion mags she has been looking at!

Side note: yesterday today I directly asked why Sophia was not wearing an animal hat. I said I acutally didnt really care, but I put a lot of work into those hats, I used my own materials for many of them and I was lead to believe that I was doing it for the group that Sophia was in. If it was different, somebody should have told me about it. The response was: Sophia is one of the 'more awake' kids and so they put her in the group of kids that had a bigger role and more things to do. So I said, that was fine, but somebody should have said something to me. I didnt even care if she wore a hat or not, it was just the principal of the whole thing. So to pacify (not their words, mine) she said that they could put a hat on her at the end of the play when all the kids party. Uhm-shouldnt they have thought about that before???

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