Saturday, March 7, 2009

the update...

well that dry spell only lasted 3 days- 4 days of rain and finally a dry night last night! wohoo! thank goodness because last night we realized....
dunno what you're lookin at? try this:
chicken pox!
ah well, sooner or later it had to happen. the worst part is by her badunk-a-dunk (medical term that auntie katie uses-translation for grandpa/grandma: her lower girl parts). which makes sitting in pee soaked pj's all night all the worse. let's hope the dry spell lasts at least as long as the pox do.
ps we didnt notice the little sores at first, because they were mixed in with the sores she had from the face paint allergy. so we think this she's had this for about a week, but last night the first big wave of pock marks appeared.

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