Friday, February 27, 2009

Arid Extra Dry

so you're asking yourself 'what does this picture of feet have to do with the title?'. honestly there is some sort of connection. (altho sophia does have sweaty feet thats not it) we have been telling sophia (for what seems like the last 4 years) we are not buying anymore diapers! no more shi-shi at night when you sleep. wake us up. a couple of times she had a 'dry spell' several nights in a row. and prematurely we tried to take off the diapers right away, but she peed and slept till morning anyways. and after several of nights of having to wash EVERYTHING (plus remember we have no dryer and for the last few months they've been doing construction on the house so we cant dry on the balconey) i got fed up and put the diaper back on again. and we went back to square one. well, she's had another 'dry spell' for the last few nights, just in time too because we have no more diapers. guess who slept through the whole night, in just pjs and panties? (come on, you're smart, i know you know the answer!). congratulations to sophia for a dry night without the security of the diaper! let's see how long this lasts (you know tomorrow i will be writing a cursing blog entry, in between doing loads of laundry-but at least its a start!)

oh yeah, so what do feet have to do with anything? her prize for the dry night was a mani and pedi. i couldnt very well take a picture of the dry bed, so you get a picture of feet!


Holly said...

I didn't shi shi - where is my mani and pedi???????????????????????????????????????

Louise said...

get yer fingers and tootsies over here-hope you like aurora pink or belle yellow