Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Over then under and thru the hole...

...guess who learned to make a knot!? You know it's all the trend to have these educational tv programs for kids. Sophia is into Dragon Tales, the last one she saw shows how to tie a knot. Now we have knots in EVERYTHING! why didnt she pick up anything from the no tantrums episode or go to bed episode? especially the bedtime episode! No matter what we do, it's a chore to get sophia to sleep before 11 pm. She gets up when she is bored, but otherwise lays there and plays and chatters until she passes out. Or at least thats what I thought, until I found this this morning:

are we creating a little domestic terrorist? does she plot to hang me with her new found skill?? to be honest, Polly Pockets wasnt found dangling from the bed sides like this. I just wrapped it so I could take a picture, but maintain the integrity of the knots. It was actually worse...one end was tied around one of the wooden slats and PP was dangling from the other end just as it is now, but the cord was let out and long as if Sophia was trolling for fishes from her bed and then would pull Polly up for interrogation as it pleased her. i dont make this stuff up!

1 comment:

Holly said...

I CAN'T stop laughing!!!!!!!! Who taught her how to hang PP????????? What kind of educational shows are you watching in Italy???