Friday, February 8, 2008

weecha's house

laura and fabio and alice (pronounced ah-lee-chay-unless you are sophia then its weecha) invited maurino and us for dinner. laura is an excellent cook! and as usual i have to go into details of what we ate...there was pasta, but it was really cool-aside from being delicious! the pasta was cooked and then put into the oven (no sauce) and cooked until it took the form of the bundt pan. then it was put onto a great big pasta plate with a meat and pea sauce on top. it was soo good. there are no pictures because mauro ate it all! however there is this lovely pic of him, who got tired of going back for seconds/thirds etc, that he just took the big plate and went for it!

then there were individual zucchini soufflé and yummy cheeses! and lastly there were loads of dessert! laura made a torte with sour cherry jam and a fan of fabio's sent sicilian cookies which were absolutely amazing, (i made a little chocolate cake). and to accompany everything there were some amazing wines! three cheers to fabios collection!

alice and sophia got a long great. it was amazing, i was a little worried because we arrived extremely late. it took us almost 2 1/2 hours to get to pavia due to traffic (it is just a 30 min drive) so having only eaten a few chips(found in the car) and it being late, i was worried that sophia was gonna be a big grump. but instead she loved alice as soon as she saw her (its been many months since we last saw alice) and vice versa. they both have the same type of character so they got along great! plus they had mauro as a playmate!

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