Tuesday, February 12, 2008

she did again

as soon as she wakes up or gets home from school, i yank the diaper off. i cant always get her on the toilet in the morning, because i think she pees when she knows still has the diaper on. but after school i can usually get her at least once. today she held her pee for hours until she was bursting, she crossed her legs, sat very still, did everything but agree to go to the bathroom. eventually she couldnt hold it any more and sophia ran up and said 'diaper.' i said nope, we're gonna sit on the toilet. the response was 'no thank you, diaper, hurry.' but i plopped her down anyways and she went on the toilet! wooo hooo! next goal is to get her to poop on the toilet...i was suprised she didnt today because i made korean pancakes with lots of veg and she ate half an apple. she has amazing control - doesnt get it from my side of the family. we have to pee often and when we gotta go we gotta go, without hesitation!

ive been working on this bracelet. i dont know where im going with it. maybe it will become a necklace because the 'chain' is so darn big. i like the idea, it looks so klimt.

just found this:
i was so excited when i saw all the wire wrapping on metal workers. i looked everywhere on how to do it. finally i found the right key words and stumbled up a tutorial just now. check out this woman's stuff it's fantastic: studio heath. keep your eyes peeled for future work. maybe i will actually make something out of it.

1 comment:

Holly said...

oh my gosh the jewelry is beautiful, when do you want me to start marketing in the US!!!???

We are having pooping issues, little man just doesn't want to go on the toilet!!!!!

Sure miss you - wanted to call you yesterday!