Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another crappy story....

this is today's retelling of today's series unfortunate events...first smashed finger and now have blood blister halfway under fingernail on index finger. then went to go get sophia and teacher said that the little bugger did not take a nap today- instead she played and giggled with her friend chiara. i knew it was gonna be a tough afternoon. unfortunately i decided to walk to school instead of ride the bike (just to change things up a bit) and sophia decided that she wanted to go to the park. but neither she nor i were dressed for the wind that was picking up. sophia was especially under-dressed for the occasion since she decided to wear her crocs, which arent very warm and come off very easily. and she unfortunately decided to shout 'PARK' and not ask nicely. in fact she refused to ask nicely. so she threw a big gigantic tantrum ALL the way home, screaming and shouting. i ended up having to pick her squirming writhing body and struggle all the way home. she went immediately in time out and things got better. she is still going around the house in her half-naked potty training. then she started doing the poop dance. 'doo-doo mommy' she cried while hiding behind the curtains. i went to go and grab her under the arms and carry her to the bathroom. there was already a turtle-head, that grew by the second until it plopped onto the floor, under my foot and squished everywhere, and i slipped (but did not fall). and then another one plopped onto the bathroom floor, and i was holding her under the armpits and running around the land mines in our very narrow bathroom. eventually i got her on the toilet, still red faced and pushing... but the action was over...at least for her. she's okay with going shi-shi but she refuses to poop in the toilet. later during dinner it was the same thing. she cries 'doo-d00' and tears stream down her face and we put her on the toilet and then she wants immediately off. she refuses to stay on. she goes back to doing whatever she was doing (in this case dinner) and then cries 'poop, doo-doo' and back onto the toilet, then back off and back to the table. this makes for a very irritating dinner. what makes me frustrated is that after crying doo-doo, then trip to toilet, then off the toilet, then back and forth a million times , she then poops on the floor again. arghhhh! i know its just one tiny step back for all the steps forward we made, but it still sucks!

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