Saturday, February 9, 2008


Pri and Paolo invited us to celebrate Carnivale with them and Maria Amali and Emanuele at their oratory near their house. Maria Amali went dressed as a princess, in an intricate costume made by Pri and Sophia as a cowgirl, in a vest and stick horse that i had made for her. At least Maria Amali showed off her costume a bit (sophia didnt want anything)...both girls cried and stayed in mommy's arms for most of the time. But it was neat to see how it was all celebrated-was the first time for both Sophia and me. It was like an Obon Festival meets Halloween. Games, parades, lots of activities held at church but in the cold and in costume. Here the kids dress up, throw lots and lots of confetti and the older kids have shaving cream fights. Maybe next year the kids will be able to enjoy the festival a little more, this year they were a bit too young.

Pri and Ma

Pia and Ma, the 10 seconds that they were both down on the ground.

MA's cousin

The girl's at home having a better time than at the party...

In the end we turned around and went back to Pri and Paolo's to play. The girls had so much fun playing together. I was a little worried that Sophia was going to be grumpy again because last night she went to bed after midnight and she didnt take a nap today. But in the end of the day it all worked out and she ended up passing out on Max's lap during dinner. Which again was excellent! How am I ever going to lose weight???? Paolo made 5 pizza's with loads of yummy things - sausage, tuna and mushroom, stewed onions and mushroom and sausage -i cant remember them all. (and the guy has that disease where everything needs to be in perfect order and so the pizza's were not just delicious, but picture perfect-forgot to take a picture tho). plus dessert and grappa after. Paolo also does this great grappa mixed with honey that is soooo good. i just might have to become an alcoholic-well more of an alcolholic.

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