Friday, November 30, 2007

Miss Sophia

The good news is, for three days in a row Sophia has gone to bed by herself without getting out of the crib 10 million times. It's been so fabulous, for the last month or so its been a losing battle getting her to go to bed. We've tried all the techniques in the book, not even Super Nanny was helping this time! The bad news is Sophia has been ill for 2 of the three days (fever, cough etc) so we're not sure if it's the new technique, she has grown out of the bedtime battle stage or we just got lucky because she is ill.

I dont know if its the fever or what...but a little Michelangelo is expressing itself thru Sophia! She has been drawing up a storm lately, and not just scribbles. She did flowers, that actually look like flowers! She's done a car, celery, a potato - but they are always on the etch-a-sketch thing so there has never been any proof of her I took a picture! Im so proud of my litle artist!

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