Friday, November 16, 2007

Chillin at the Dawson's

Tonight we went to Brescia to do some commercials for the new biz O, C and M are putting together. Which was cool because we got to finally meet O's dad (its like looking at future oliver - they look, talk and move just alike) and his new Texan girlfriend. And we got to see the really cool set up of the basement. It was like going into an adult rumpus room. There is a full on recording studio (decorated with antique recording equipment, star trek paraphernalia, tickets to a random rainbow of concerts from david bowie to blink), a tool time corner, a miniature train set with people and stuff, loads of computers and other random big boy toys. It was fun to hang out with Jerry and Dee while the boys chatted, smoked and recorded. Only bad thing was that when it was my turn, nobody warned me that O and M took the piss out of C and he sweated all over the headphones!! I got a nice Criss Sweat Shampoo - arggghhhh! I feel so connected and intimate with him now! We didnt get back until 4 am, tomorrow is gonna be hell! PS if you are asking yourself where sophia was all the time, we dressed her in jammies, got in the car, she fell asleep on the way and slept on the couch at the Dawson house. Always a trooper that girl!

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