Friday, November 23, 2007

The day after Thanksgiving


It's the day after Thanksgiving. Finished American Gods while preparing dinner for tomorrow (we are celebrating 2 days late due to Max's work schedule). Awesome book. Sophia has been really good about asking to go to the toilet (except when there are cartoons on, she forgets). Glad we bought those plastic covered cloth diapers a while back when I thought that I would not contribute to global warming with regular diapers (that only lasted until her poops were still little). I think those help a lot, I've been using last years Little Swimmers too because they dont really hold in the pee, but enough not to have puddles everywhere. Sophia's been a funny girl lately, every time she gets in trouble she calls Grandma (the American one), back when we were in the US and her Daddy was still in Italy, she used to call him when she got in trouble with Grandma. My how the tables have turned.

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