Friday, November 9, 2007

Lordy Lordy, He's almost 40!!!

Happy Birthday Max and Mike! Poor Max had to do the 6am shift this morning...and then he had a meeting and then shopping for the party. Luckily Carrefour wasnt too crowded. We even got a phone call from Holly in Mike from Australia to exchange happy birthday wishes! Poor them, they were actually supposed to be back in california, but got stuck in OZ. But at least we got to hear from them! Then I had to hurry and make some quick appetizers and the cakes. Okay here is a new little thing I just made up out of desperation for something new to have instead of the same ol' same ol', it was pretty good... I did pasta sfoglia (filo dough) pinwheels filled with: tuna, cream cheese, oregano and chopped sun dried tomatoes (i just dumped everything in so i dont know the proportions). I made a lot of them and they were gone by the end of the night. And because Ilaria is allergic to flour I made up some flourless cookies that were not bad either:
1 egg,
1/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup cacao (bitter, no sugar),
1/2 cup butter softened,
1 tsp bkg powder,
1/2 cup walnuts

seperate egg, add half the sugar into the the whites and half into the yolks. Beat whip the whites till they peak and the yolks til fluffy. Whip the butter til no lumps, add in caco and bkg powder. fold in eggs, add nuts. spoon small dollops onto a greased bkg sheet, cook 5-7 minutes at 325. Not bad. Im gonna try something similar with rice flour next time. I bet that the bkg pdr didnt even do anything to help so im gonna also try them with out that.

Leo and his girlfriend Alexandra (who is Russian born, but lived in Italy since she was , and is the cutest sweetest girl!) came over and we got some pizzas delivered. Then it was off to Mauro's for the party. The pictures tell the rest...

Director's Cut
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munchkinhead2000 said...

Happy Birthday, Max!!! It's wonderful to have such good company in one's 40th year (I just turned too). Hope all is well....hope I can actually post this...

Tony will be bummed that Leo is spoken for ;)

Ooh, Wheezer, a fun appetizer to try it sushi rice mixed w/ mayo, sour cream & crab in a bowl. Provide pieces of Nori and folks can make their own little rolls.
Xs & Os to you all - TammyJo

Holly said...

I love the smilebox thing - great way to post the pictures!!!! Such a busy week - the boys have 1/2 days this week and no school on Friday but Tyler has regular -

I love Oliver's ponys! I will write more later, I have to hit the hay!