Thursday, June 21, 2007

Going back to Cali, to Cali

Well it was Sophia's 3rd flight over seas! Going back to Cali. The air fare was cheap (usairways). but the flight totally sucked. I hate all these unclear rules and regulations that change from flight to flight. We got to the airport in plenty of time and it was all quite easy (except finding parking and the check-in desk). And then it was a sad goodbye to Max. Sophia kept calling him when we were standing in the security line. The only problem was they didnt have Sophia and I sitting together on the flight from Philly to SF, but off we went anyways. At first it was all easy, and then when Soph realized that she couldnt sit on my lap and had to have the seatbelt fastened it all went to hell in a handbasket. She cried and cried and I did everything to calm her. Luckily we bought that new magnetic drawing pad with the transparent tracings of fish, that distracted her for a while. The flight seemed endless, Sophia fell asleep after a while. Unfortunately I couldnt. I was exhausted by the time we got to Philly and of course we had to do the whole transfer the luggage 50 feet (i had to pay 5 dollars to rent one of those stupid carts because we had 2 big luggages and plus the stroller (that sophia was sitting in because there is no where to put her on the cart) plus our carry ons - the stupid security officer offered me 'help' by suggesting that i take the already cranky sophia out of the stroller and put everything on the cart including her (where on top of the luggage??). I wanted to take the stroller and whap him over the head, but since security is so dang tight and i didnt wanna be stuck in Philly, i restrained myself! And we had like a 6 hour layover. I was totally exhausted by this point. I ran around after Sophia who was in her overtired/extra energy state. I actually had to hand the poor girl off to strangers while standing in line for the bathroom because I could feel my blood pressure dropping and thought I was going to pass out. I rinsed my face off with cold water and that helped. I was cold sweating and hating it. Sophia at this point was hysterical and crying. Got out of the long hot bathroom line and stood in line at the family bathroom a few feet away. We waited. And we waited. And we waited some more. Finally a US Airways employee exits (in uniform and by herself-no sign of family or handicap) in a cloud of cigarette smoke. Eventually we got to the gate and I had to stand in line to book us seats together. And of course the flight was delayed. And of course because its f'ing US Airways, they changed the gate, so we all had to move and of course I lost my place in line (I was next). Then we waited some more. I stood in line again. And no one came to the desk to help. Then some one eventually came to the desk, and announced that we were moving back to the first gate. And Sophia was going nuts and I was in tears and there wasnt even a place to sit. It was horrible. Eventually we got on the plane, only to sit on the tarmac for another hour and a half or so. I don't even know how late the plane ended up being we had waited for soooo long. Sophia was now mega grumpy, hadn't really eaten anything (though I had offered during the course of the 6 hours, she didnt want anything) and she ended up passing out fairly quickly on the plane. But of course I had to keep her in a sitting up position until after take off. The plane was freezing and there were no blankets or pillows in our seats so I had to ask for some, but the only ones they had were used, but I had to take them anyways. Did I mention that they don't serve food on the domestic half of the flight. During the 6 hours in Philly I never had a chance to go and get food because Sophia was so cranky and the lines were so long because everyone was delayed, I didnt get a chance or find the opportunity. By the time the flight attendants got to our row, there was only nasty chips and salsa (you know like uncle bens brand - i thought they made instant white rice, not mexican snack foods) and some stale nestles crunch bits in a handy $8 snack box. I ate them anyways, my blood sugar was low and i didnt want to kill anyone. Anyways moral of the story is US Airways SUCKS!
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