Thursday, June 7, 2007

OMG they missed the train!!!

Willie, Matt, Casey and Patrick went down to Naples for their last stop of the trip. Casey and Patrick have a flight out of Malpensa today at 8.30....they decided to cut it close and train it straight from Naples to Malpensa. Unfortunately they cut it too close and there were no more trains going to the airport by the time they got in (the last ones leave at 11) and they caught the last metro coming towards Cologno Monzese - or so they thought...unfortunately it was a train going to Gessate (the other part of where the trains fork) - luckily Willie thought fast, and they got off at Cascina Gobba (the stop right before the tracks fork)...unluckily it was after 1 am and there were no more taxis to be bound....luckily it was close to the house and I know the road so I went to go get them! (but first i had to take out sophias car seat - leave it in the stair well and then go and get them because with 4 other people and 4 other large backpacks and 4 other small backpacks we werent all going to fit). Called taxis for C and P for the next morning/2 hours later, since it was now 3 am-ish, called it a night and went to bed. They now owe us a big fat dinner when we get to San Diego!!!!!

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