Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Making Pietro's presents

This is Sophia's first week of 'summer vacation'. We pulled her out of the preschool because friday we are leaving to a wedding in Siena, after that she will remain in Tuscany with her grans and stay at the sea. We made bday presents for her friend Pietro. Which was good because we didnt want to start the vacation time off with just Dora and the Backyardigans. Sophia was such a good girl. She drew and painted the whole time. I can see she gets her creative genes from the her mommy's side of the family. But her attention span is much better than mine!!! I had to take breaks and do other things, she just kept going and going. Eventually we made a special little present...I hope Pietro likes it. He has a lot of clothes and toys already and so I wanted to do something different. The picture came out much better in my head, but since I havent painted in such a long time I was struggling with using the paints (in fact I had started off in oils and just abandoned the project because the whole thing looked like a war with paints instead of the night sky...oh well). It was a long day because then after we went to Vulcano to shop for a dress for Lilliana's wedding (and shoes and makeup and everything else) and then we came home. Sent Sophia to bed and watched the beginning of Project Runway (3rd season) while I made some jewelery to go with the dress and a necklace and bracelet for Simona's bday. Crazy! Tomorrow will be another full day because we need to get stuff done for my permesso di soggiorno (the green card here...yes we are still working on it!!!) and last minute stuff for the wedding.


Holly said...

Finally!!!!!! yeah, i know what you mean about the picture placement - and actually on the mac it's worse, you only see code, not the real pictures so you can't even change stuff!!

sounds like a great time and Irene's shawl looks gorgeous!

Terrific picture with the ladybug! Miss you!

Holly said...

Auntie Auntie Nu, Where are you? Da Da Da Da Da Da Da,

Auntie Auntie Nu I see you, something about shakes and shivers.

(got the tune yet?)