Sunday, June 10, 2007


Went to check out Volterra today. It's another hill town - but this one has a some Etruscan ruins and a Roman theater to see. I was feeling really ill, so we didnt stay too long.

This is a view of the city looking out from over the ruins.

We went for a little walk around the outside of the wall and got to see some cool views of the town.

This is the roman theater.

And Willie's big fat head getting in the way of me taking pictures of the roman theater.

A view of the 'backstage area' as seen through one of the doors that lead into where the seats once stood.

The Etruscans were very clever people. Max says that they are the ones that invented the keystone for the archway. This is a view of one of the original archways of the town. When I have more time I'll have to Google to see if thats true or not!!

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