Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Crooked house and a Hypocrite

We're about to go back to the States for the summer and they are about to begin work on the house, so here are a few of things that drive me crazy that hopefully will be fixed by the time we get back:  Aside from the fact that the tiles are u-g-l-y throw backs from the 70s, they are also totally crooked.  If you look closely at the way the light reflects you can see all the tiles are laid at different slants.

And the thin, cracked and dirty linoleum of fake ugly throwback tiles from the 70s.  Who puts linoleum on stairs??  We're the third owners since the original guy who built this place and nobody bothered to change it, I guess it's just me that thinks its gross.
Ripostiglio or closet/pantry/place to hide our junk.

Remember a few weeks ago after my parents cleared out the weeds and then my dad cut out that nasty plant that was full of bugs and had nothing to do with the rest of the plants?  And then that crazy lady Anna Maria came and yelled at me because she said that plant belongs to the condominium and besides the gardeners were supposed to come and clean up the place any day now...well guess who went and hacked up one of the plants (probably because the gate wouldn't shut). If you guessed Mr Anna Maria you would be correct.  I just shot her the evil eye and laughed it's still full of weeds and over grown trees, but now there is an ugly hacked up bush too.  Now it's totally confirmed, I know who the old psycho busy body of the building is.

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