Sunday, June 6, 2010

Circus School Recital

Did I mention that Sophia has been going to circus school.  Yeah I could insert some clown joke in here, but it's just too easy, so I will skip it this time.  Anyhoo, of course on the hottest day of the year, in a theater even hotter because being full of parents (including myself) and video equipment and bright lights .

Sophia one of the kids dressed in orange and red and represents fire, the other kids are water or firemen.

This morning I downloaded all the pictures off all the memory cards, put fresh batteries in all the cameras and handed out specific directions to everyone mom=hold vivienne, max = film sophia's part, dad=take pictures with the small point and shoot, me=take pictures with new camera with gigantic lens.  I was really unsure about how the pictures would come out with the new camera since I hardly had time to try it out.   My mom did an awesome job, my pictures came out so-so,Max got a great video (that is too long to upload here), my dad, however, must have take 100 pictures of 1) us sitting down 2) us taking pictures 3) the backs/sides of random people heads 4) the kids playing on the bleachers BUT not one single one of the recital.  What is it with old people and taking pictures?????  He is always the first one to ask me to send/upload/download/print pictures, but when all he has to do is push a button, he can't seem to do it.  argggggghhhhhhh. He's asian, shouldnt snapping pictures be in his dna?? And so I spent the afternoon going through and deleting the pictures and you're looking at the two decent shots that were left.  Well at least that is over, on to the next adventure.

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