Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sea World

First on the list of things to do in SD: Sea World! It was quite hot today! I was a bit worried because before we even got to the ticket area, Sophia started throwing tantrums. I was almost ready to turn around and go back (and suck it up for the 10 bucks that we just payed for parking), but we had a 'little talk' she changed her attitude and we went in. Some really nice lady gave us discount coupons for the tickets too.

Shamu! Shamu! We didnt sit in the splash zone, (too bad, cuz it was crazy hot) but Sophia really enjoyed the show. I think her new favorite animal will be the orca. That's all she talks about now!

Mommy and daughter moment.
PU the penguins are cute but Stinky!
We waited in line for this jumpy thing forever and then they changed shifts and Sophia's group got about 10 seconds inside. I was pissed, but i couldnt say anything because I was so far away snapping pictures when they kicked the kids out.Sea World was lots of fun, the only complaint I have is this stupid play structure thing. I'm not sure what idiot thought it was a good idea to have 4 egresses that are far far apart, (there is not central place to stand and see all the exits at once), hundreds of blind hiding places way up high and a teeny, tiny sign thats says please set up a meeting spot since there is more than one exit. I totally freaked out because we kept losing sight of sophia, and it was hard to control where she was going and where she would pop out next. Max ended up having to go up and get her down so we could leave. All that I could think about is, that thing is a creepy pedofile's dream!

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