Saturday, July 4, 2009

the Best Pancake Breakfast Ever!

you know my mom, she is from the school of 'we're going to have fun whether you like it or not.' this time she got it into her head that we were going to do something 'traditional and fun' for fourth of july (and to my dismay, it did not include spending hundreds of dollars on dangerous and illegal fireworks). This year, we were going to drag our butts out of bed extra early in the morning and go have a pancake breakfast and surprisingly enough we actually enjoyed ourselves.

Sophia was so excited to climb up on the firetruck. (we waited forever and then of course some kid just crawled up around the back (at the suggestion of his ever so polite parents) and he was in all the other pictures we took.) I think the breakfast cost something like 5 bucks, it was all you can eat pancakes and sausage with (starbucks) coffee and oj and it was darn good. Sophia wolfed down 3 large pancakes!

later, i passed out from exhaustion (due to what i dont know, i didnt do anything else all day) and sophia went with grandpa to isabel and miranda's house to watch them do fireworks. so this is it for the fourth of july pics. they never come out anyways.

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