Friday, July 17, 2009

Dinner in SD

Has it already been 2 years ago?? Willie, Kasey, Patrick and Matt came out to Italy and we met up with them. The night before k & p were supposed to leave, the group misread the train sched and stayed a bit too long in Rome, ended up at the train station in Milan at like 12 am. I didnt know how to get there, but luckily they got a metro to a metro stop right near CM before the trains closed and they got booted off. Lucky for them, because i dont know how to get to the central train station, there are a billion exits there so even if i did get there, i dont know how i would have found them. (and of course there were no taxis around at either place) Max had to work at 6 am and they didnt get to the metro stop until around 3. This was back when we still had the ford fiesta, i had to take out the car seat before i left, but with them and all the backpacks, im still not sure how we all fit! it was like a clown car. Why is this all relevant? because...i kept teasing them that they owed me big for the taxi service...i would take payment as dinner when we got to CA. Well we never made it down to SD that year because of various reasons..but those guys remembered and payed up. Which they really didnt have to do, I just wanted to tease them!Patrick, kasey and willie

Uncle willie and Max

Jules gets a knuckle sandwich from Matt.

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