Monday, March 30, 2009

Sophia Parisi's Rainy Day Production Presents:

The Three Little Pigs
Once upon a time a mommy pig said to her sons.'I don't want any mammone's livin under my roof, go out and see the world. But be careful of the wolf!'

The first pig built his house out of straw.
As soon as he was finished, he heard a knock on the door

Wolf: Little pig little pig, let me in.
1st Pig: Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin
Wolf: Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in.

Then the wolf huffed and puffed and blew down the house of straw.

The 1st Little Pig ran to his brother the Second Little Pig, who had just built a house out of sticks. Just as soon as he was finished, they heard a knock at the door.
Wolf: Little pigs, little pigs, let me in.
1st & 2nd Pig: Not by the hairs of our chinny chin chins.
Wolf: Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in.
Then the wolf huffed and puffed and blew down the house of sticks.
The 1st & 2nd Little Pigs ran to their brother the Third Little Pig, who had just built a house out of bricks. Just as soon as he was finished, they heard a knock at the door.
Wolf: Little pigs, little pigs, let me in.
1st & 2nd Pig: Not by the hairs of our chinny chin chins.
Wolf: Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in.
Then the wolf huffed and puffed, but he could not blow that house of bricks down.
He tried a new tactic, he climbed the roof and was going to shimmy down the chimney and get those litte pigs! The little pigs were smart, they opened the lid to the boiling pot of water that was on the fire. The wolf went down the chimney, into the boiling pot of water, shot back up the chimney, cannoned out of sight and was never again heard of from the three little pigs.
The three little pigs were so delighted that they sang and the danced in the forest among the flowers.

The End!
This has been a Sophia Yukimi production.
Thank you, Good Night!
(eye wink/point and shoot)
Stay tuned for next week's production of little bunny foofoo!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


salily (salvo and lily) came up to see little cicciarellino, massisimona invited everyone over for dinner. there was also some friends from germany. anyhow, the ham sophia went to take pix of everyone here is just a sample:salvo silly face

massimona silly face
alexandra and her sister, i forgot her name playing up high.

tomaso, manu and lily tickling sophia.

it's raining again...

i've been into french toast lately, so i saved the eggshells and we put them to a good use...eventually the 'hair' will grow in. we put in mini green onion seeds (the only hairy like thing i have in the house), but i didnt read that you should boil the shells first, dang.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

live art

i had just finished doing this painting for alessio when sophia decided that she wanted to be a part of the picture-she's looking at the stars like the other kid's in the picture.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


after ncrea, we came home and had some lunch. then we joined pietro and his cousin elettra on the naviglio for some bike riding and to play in the park. sophia sure has changed-she's grown some sack. she gave us a scare when she ran off to another park and didnt tell us. usually when she would realize that we were far away, she would start to panic-not anymore. we called for her, but there were so many kids that she was hard to find. we only found her when she poked out to run to some other toys. anyhoo after we got some popcicles and the kids sat on the bench and enjoyed themselves, they looked so cute i had to snap a picture.


we found the quarry lakes of brugherio-Greta told me about a park that is right near where she had her graduation dinner and we went on a little adventure to find it. Actually it was quite easy and very near and really nice, but not crowded at all. Sophia had a nice time and even saw her friends ledio and pamela there.Max kicks back, finally Sophia learns to swing by herself!
(enclosed, no dog poop/cig butts/grafitti...a rarity in our neck of the woods!!)

This is the 'princess of the hill, this is my castle' dance


I have this thing for English words that get Italianified. This is one of them:

(pronounced: oran-ju-weese). the best is: ciuinga (pronounced chu-in-ga), can you guess what it is?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Over then under and thru the hole...

...guess who learned to make a knot!? You know it's all the trend to have these educational tv programs for kids. Sophia is into Dragon Tales, the last one she saw shows how to tie a knot. Now we have knots in EVERYTHING! why didnt she pick up anything from the no tantrums episode or go to bed episode? especially the bedtime episode! No matter what we do, it's a chore to get sophia to sleep before 11 pm. She gets up when she is bored, but otherwise lays there and plays and chatters until she passes out. Or at least thats what I thought, until I found this this morning:

are we creating a little domestic terrorist? does she plot to hang me with her new found skill?? to be honest, Polly Pockets wasnt found dangling from the bed sides like this. I just wrapped it so I could take a picture, but maintain the integrity of the knots. It was actually end was tied around one of the wooden slats and PP was dangling from the other end just as it is now, but the cord was let out and long as if Sophia was trolling for fishes from her bed and then would pull Polly up for interrogation as it pleased her. i dont make this stuff up!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Feeding chickens in front of Auntie Ale's house
Coccodei (translation: bawk bawk)portait of friends, by sophia yukimi parisi
there was a festival of chocolate Montecaliere, this is the historical downtown.
This is giraffe number one a nice clown made for (we ended up getting a total of 3)
A man sculpting chocolate
One of the chocolate sculpturesSophias favorite mode of transportation.Uncle 12 (12 in torino dialect is dudes) gets sugar coated!
Pia and Max window shopping for bird cages.

It was a nice relaxing wknd and we needed the break! We had a really fun time and Sophia got to spend time with our really good friends.

Turin Breaks

After being cooped up in the house for over a week, we decided to take a break. Torino is pretty close and we have friends there whom we never see, so off we went to Auntie Ale's house (hooray she has doors!)
Sophi plays foosball with Stefano.

Ping Pong with Auntie Ale

Friday, March 13, 2009

Can't see straight!

just being silly!

Although I've thought about it...

... she beat us to the punch! I have no idea why she decided to empty out the cabinet, crawl inside and call grandma and grandpa...i swear i dont know anything about it! i wasnt even there. (okay i was, i took the picture-but the rest is true).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ahhhh, fresh air!

Through rain, sleet, hail or snow...out the door Sophia would go! 5 days closed inside the house like a cloistered nun-if only she took a vow of silence too! The pock marks are starting to look like raunchy dehydrated cranberries-they are basically dried up and crusted over and so I took the yellow tape off the door and we went out for a breath of fresh air. Actually more than a breath-it was dang windy. and i didnt care, we needed to break free, even if it was just for a little bit. it was so windy a glass jar blew off the 6th floor from the building next to the park and came tumbling down in bits and pieces...that was when we took our cue and left.

Monday, March 9, 2009

let's play a game

It's called cleaning the windows! oh the fun things we do here when we are bored! (i didnt realize she had her mouth opened while spraying -great now im sure she'll also get the runs on top of the diaper rash and chicken pox! )

Pee & Pox

A pox on pee and pox! It was a time to take off the diaper...we've been doing laundry and baths every day thanks to bedwetting and chicken pox!

Sophia is happy about it too:

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Snaps Dribble Drip

I have no idea what she is singing about. They are English words, but there is no real meaning to them all. Anyhoo here is the Top of the Chicken Pox:

the update...

well that dry spell only lasted 3 days- 4 days of rain and finally a dry night last night! wohoo! thank goodness because last night we realized....
dunno what you're lookin at? try this:
chicken pox!
ah well, sooner or later it had to happen. the worst part is by her badunk-a-dunk (medical term that auntie katie uses-translation for grandpa/grandma: her lower girl parts). which makes sitting in pee soaked pj's all night all the worse. let's hope the dry spell lasts at least as long as the pox do.
ps we didnt notice the little sores at first, because they were mixed in with the sores she had from the face paint allergy. so we think this she's had this for about a week, but last night the first big wave of pock marks appeared.