Saturday, January 3, 2009


Like all Short Lived New Years Resolution Makers, I've decided that we need to go out and get some fresh air and exercize. Let's see how long it lasts. We are one of those families that can close the door on Friday night and not realize that we didn't even unlock cave until we leave for school Monday morning. Sad, sad. So first day of walkies (well bikies for Sophia). I just saw that Alanis Morisette lost a ton (i didnt even realize she gained all that weight till i saw the pix) just by changing her diet and walking 20 minutes a day.
picture for the proof...
(there was another ny revolutioner behind us, you could tell she never goes out either).
Max hates these houses, I wouldnt want to live there cuz they are run down, but I always think they always make for a nice picture.

Speed Racer on her bike.

Pit stop on the bridge to check out the waterfall/(debris that has built up and caused a dam).

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