Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Day of School

It snowed some more last night. A lot more! Plus it was the first day back to school after the holidays. It snowed too much to drive so we walked...

Sophia had a blast trudgin throught the snow, for the first 20 minutes...

But it was so deep she pooped out. Poor Max has all of Sophia's linens for her cot, her towel, and Pia peed her pants on the last day of school, so we also have the extra change of clothes-plus Sophia.
...apparently we should have called first, school was cancelled for the rest of the week...argggghh-i was so ready for her to go back!

...well if you cant beat 'em, join 'em. It snowed too much for school, but more than enough to make a snow princess (our snowman is buried beneath) and we had more snowball fights.

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