Sunday, January 18, 2009

Grety, Gretzy

Yesterday Greta (Gretzy) came over and watched Sophia for us, while we went out to our first adult dinner in a while. I just realized that we have never gotten a babysitter to watch Sophia while we did something for ourselves. We have left her with the Grans or Nonni, if we happened to be staying at their house. but that was always a passive agressive/matter of convenience move. When Pietro came out the other night, Franci and I were talking about that and we decided to get someone to watch the kids and go do something as adults! so we went out to dinner at Baja Sardinja - (if you come, i will take you!!!) and greta came over and told sophia about her love life - sophia was scared stiff and went to bed and fell asleep extra early. ( the next morning sophia came into our room and instead of asking for breakfast, asked what happened to greta).

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