Monday, March 8, 2010


Max's mom is from Poggibonsi. (and despite that being the reason it should hold near and dear to our hearts, I think of it as the city where Shelly Pollock made the bus stop so it could drop her off and she could throw up. And we weren't even with her! To get to Siena you pass Poggibonsi, and you have to drive through a series of narrow winding roads, so every time I get carsick I think about how lucky I am to be in the car and not on a bus, in a country where I don't speak the language, only to get dropped off in the middle of nowhere. I get carsick just saying the name Poggibonsi!) Anyhoo it is a cute little city that flourished during the time of fascism and you can totally see that in it's architecture. I wish I took better pictures, but I was carsick and lazy.

Sophia pushing her sister through the wobbly streets

Max found a cute little restaurant, but it was freezing inside. Life is so different with Vivienne, we actually sit down and eat. For the first few months of Sophia's life, Max and I never sat down to eat together-one of us was always walking around, desperately trying to console her.

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