Sunday, March 28, 2010

La Baia

The reason for going to Gambettola is that my friend Geraldine and her family live there. For the last 5 years I've been saying that we will come and visit. Being the procrastinator that I am, we had yet to go. Max had 2 days off in a row and so I called up Deen and we made a last minute invasion on the VegaraMarchis. They took us to a fab restaurant La BaiaI hope this is just a phase, Sophia always has to make a funny face when having her foto taken.
Geraldine and Vivienne.
Me and Viv
(Mom bought us a car seat that snaps into our hardly used old stroller we got for Sophia,
and but we hardly ever use it. Just like her big sister, Vivienne lives in the BabyBjorn)
Nicola and Geraldine.

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