Sunday, October 25, 2009

Festa di qualche chiesa...non mi ricordo piu!

Today Karol invited Sophia, Giorgia (the other little girl in that started at the same time at the preschool) and their families to lunch at their house. There was also another festival of the church near their house. This was actually a big one for Cologno Monzese:

There were several booths selling stuff and a small parade with acrobats and

then they had something called the goose chase. Didnt really understand-despite the fact that i asked everyone about it. Basically at a certain hour they let all the geese go and these guys in white shirts chased after them.
And of course there was always one straggler that wanted to do his own thing and lagged after everyone else and they couldnt get him back to the flock and all the old people goo and gaa after it. It was actually very cute and quaint-one of those things you just don't find back in the old UC.

There was also this thing called the fishing game. Inside the oratory there was a wall with dozens and dozens of prizes with numbers attached to them. There was also a stand where you could buy tickets for 2 euro, 5 euro or 10 euro. They give you a numbered ticket and you go to the prize table and they give you the prize with the same number attached to it. You can get crap or something really good, Georgia got a really cool ironing board and iron play set. We got that tennis racket and sponge ball Karol is holding and poor Valentina got some sponges (they actually went back and tried again and she got a doll).

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