Thursday, October 29, 2009

Festa di Alloween

This year has been sort of chaotic (do I say that every year?), so I didnt actually get to make a costume for Sophia as she asked. She really wanted to be a witch, I started knitting her a hat, but I didn't get very far-so she just wore her usual tshirt and pants that I get from Target every year before we leave.
We made masks.
We played Halloween Bingo.

I found this cute game called witches stew- you cut out pieces of paper in halloween shapes and the kids have to use a straw to suck them up and dump them into a cauldron (we economized-they got an orange plate in our version of the game).
We decorated cookies.
The mommies too.

Happy Halloween!

Sophia was unusually whiny at her party...we soon discovered why, as soon as the guests left, she broke out in a very high fever. It was a very stressful wknd with mixed emotions between whether she had the scarlet fever (which is going around the school) or swine flu (which is a pandemic on the news). Nothing to do but look up internet cures and distribute tacchipirina (like baby tylonol).

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