Friday, September 11, 2009

Roddi and Barolo

There are gazillions of castles on the road to/from the Nonni's house. When we leave early enough, I like to stop and discover one of them. Sometimes Max knows where we're going, sometimes we just pull off when we see one. This is the town Roddi. It was a bit late on a Sunday, so I dont know if you could go inside this castle or not. It looked abandoned and ghost inhabited, so I was a bit disappointed to not be able to enter.
This is the statue of some random person we dont know who founded the town and some random pregnant tourist posing for a picture.
Every view looks like a postcard.
Our visit to Roddi was so short, it afforded us time to visit another little town called Barolo, famous for the wine the region produces by the same name. There are lots of little trattorias and restaurants hidden in the hills and towns, we stopped at a random one and it was awesome (too bad that I have nausea constantly and in particular an aversion to meat and the specialty in the area is meat, meat and more meat! the wonderful smell in the air was grossing me out, wahh!)
Risotto with a Barolo reduction and a parmesan nest.
Max stalking us while we were eating dinner.
No dinner is complete without gelato!

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