Wednesday, September 2, 2009

And back again

I dont think Sophia realized fully that we were going home until we reached the security area where Grandma couldnt pass. And of course that place is always a disaster, grumpy people yelling at you to put your tickets in the passports, having to take off your shoes, belts and blah blah of course it was right there that Sophia started to cry and wail 'I miss Grandmaaaaaa.' Stoic as I am (maybe its the preggy hormones) it actually got me all choked up. And she cried into the bathroom for my last pee before boarding, down the escalator, down the hallway onto the plane, waiting on the tarmac and basically until the tv got turned on. Even after that all the way to Italy a whimper could be heard now and again. I think that was the toughest time leaving the States we've ever had.

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