Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow Job

It rained most of yesterday, but it was all snow this morning. Sophia was so excited. It dumped snow in waves, some of it mushy some of it not. Federica had to do her homework still and so we downstairs to go play in the snow, while Max and the Nonno put chains on the car tires in anticipation for the ride home. Sophia was so cute, the first thing she did when she got downstairs was to stick her tongue out and catch snow...i guess it is instinctive, we never taught her that (i would never let her do that in milan, the snow is so nasty and grey and full of smog!)

Step One: make mound of snow

Step Two: Roll a little snowball into a big one for the head, then hide.
Tahdahhhh! Wait a minute....this guy looks like Daddy!

Sophia's favorite thing was gathering up snow and throwing it at people. She is so small that she can't throw far, so you are lucky if it lands on you. I left her playing in the snow and went to go and get something from the car. The little booger sat on the sidewalk and I thought she was pouting...instead she was hiding her hands behind the wall and waiting in soon as I got there she started throwing snowballs at me! I didnt get a pic because I didnt expect that! What a dingdong! By then Max was done and Federica arrived so the girls chased after Max and Sandro.

ps: that horrible blue jacket that max has on does not mean that the 80s are back, he just needed something warm and water proof to put the chains on with. i was so embarassed of that bright thing. Max's dad is like mine, he can't throw away clothes and uses his kids' old stuff. so there are lots of throwbacks from the 80s and 90s there.

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