Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cheap-o Christmas

Our potted Xmas tree, that we had since Sophia's first Xmas, got too big and we gave it to the Nonni to plant at their mountain house. This year there was much too do (ie facebook/dlisted), I got a late start decorating the house, plus we leave Saturday for the Cranes, so it hardly seemed worth it to get a tree (that we'd have to keep in the house until waayyyy after xmas, not because we are too lazy to take it down (yes, i know we are tho), but because they are still doing construction outside). At the same time, it's just not Christmas without presents and lights and stuff. In compromise, we present to you the Christmas Treehouse...
...Greta tried to make 'classy' with a nativity inside using the Happy Family, but Sophia wasn't havin it. She wouldnt let her use the lego cow and sheep inside the house and got mad..

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