Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble, Gobble

Yes it was the annual Turkey Day Party. Max was a great help! He is totally getting into the whole thing. We had fun doing the bird together. First we brined the turkey in salt, brown sugar, citrus and herbs yesterday. Then we watched a video on the trussed the be honest I didnt even know what that word meant, but as I was procrastinating on, I came upon the video and watched. Alton Brown is such a dork and that's probably why I love him! We had to keep running from the kitchen to the computer and replay the video over and over to figure out what we were doing, but in the end I think we got it. you didn't even know what trussing was either did ya? It's bird S & M, so that when it's done, it's not all splayed out like a porn star.Then Max got to use his new birthday toy that Sophia and I gave him,
to see if the turkey was cooked enough.
You know Holber, when there is food involved, he is always the first to the table.
This year he didnt even wait for the turkey to get cut.
(BTW we watched a video on FNW.C for that too, it really helped!)
Gathering around the guest of honor (the turkey).
We forgot to break the wishbone with everyone,
so Max and I did it this year...guess who got the short end.
And the winner is....Max!
I hope he wished that he doesn't get indigestion tonight, he sure did eat a lot!

(I'm going to start keeping track of how big and how much the turkey cost, just for kicks and giggles. So this year she was 6 kilos and 40 Euro).
Remind me next year to see how much that changes.

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